Determining the morphological parameters that describe galaxies has always
been a challenging task. The studies on the correlations between
different photometric as well as spectroscopic parameters of the galaxies
help in understanding their structure, properties of the stars and gas which
constitute the galaxy, the various physical and chemical processes which
determine the properties, and galaxy formation and evolution. In the last
few decades, the advent of Charge Coupled Devices (CCDs) and near infrared
arrays ha\·e provided quick and reliable digitized data acquisition,
in the optical and near infrared bands. This has provided an avalanche of
data, which can be processed using sophisticated image analysis techniques
to obtain information about the morphology of galaxies. The photometric
analysis performed in this thesis involve the extraction of structural
parameters of early type gala.xies imaged in the near infrared K (2.2ttm)
band, obtaining correlations between these, parameters and using them to
constrain the large scale properties of galaxi,~s. |