Studies on lemongrass oil

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Studies on lemongrass oil

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Title: Studies on lemongrass oil
Author: Pushpakumari,K N; Dr.Paul, Vatakencherry A
Abstract: The thesis deals with the different properties and characteristics of oil of lemon grass.. The oil of lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus) is one of the most important essential oils. It will continue to be one of the "big ten" of our essential oils1. Lemongrass oil is obtained from certain species of grasses of the genus cymbopogon. The genus consists of about 80 species, 10 to 12 of which are known to occur in India. Lemongrass is a stoloniferous plant. The plant grows wild in many tropical andsemitropical parts of Asia, Africa and in parts of Central America and South America. For the extraction of the oil however only cultivated lemongrass is employed. The trade distinguishes two Principal types of lemongrass oil, viz. the East Indian Oil and West Indian Oil. There was much confusion, years ago, about the taxonomy of the plants which yield theEast Indian and West Indian types of lemongrass oil, however Stapf2 ended the long controversy of identifying the plant yielding the East Indian type oil as Cymbopogon flexuosus (D.C.) Stapf and the plant yielding the West Indian type oil as Cymbopogon citrates (D.C.) stapf. The 2 plants have_been named variously also Andropogon nardus var. Flexuosus Hack or A. citratus D.C. respectively
Description: Department of Applied Chemistry, Cochin University of Science and Technology
Date: 1987-09

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