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  • Hatha, A A M; Abhirosh, Chandran; Sherin, Varghese; Mony Sheeja, K (Microbes And Enviornments, 2008)
  • Hatha, A A M; Lakshmanaperumalsamy, P (Academic Press Limited, 1997)
  • Hatha, A A M; Mujeeb Rahiman, K M; Yousuf, Jesmi; Ambat,Thomas P (Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2010)
  • Hatha, A A M; Mujeeb Rahiman, K M; Yousuf, Jesmi; Ambat,Thomas P (Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2010)
  • Hatha, A A M; Abirosh, Chandran (Elsevier, January 11, 2005)
  • Hatha, A A M; Jesmi, Y; Mujeeb Rahiman, K M; Lal, Deepu; Jyothi, S (National Environmental Health Association, 2013)
  • Hatha, A A M; Thirupathi, Suresh; Doriaraj, Sreenivasan; Sangeetha, Sreenivasan; Lakshmanaperumalsamy, P (Microbes And Enviornments, October 13, 2004)
  • Hatha, A A M; Rinoy, Varghese (Indian Society for Education and Environment, March , 2012)
  • Hatha, A A M; Nishamol, S; Varghese, R; Suchitra, R (Journal of Advances in Developmental Research, June , 2012)
  • Hatha, A A M; Abirosh, Chandran (2003)

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