Abstract: | Planktonic ostracod of the Indian Ocean have not been studied in detail although extensive studies have been made on them from other oceans, particularly Atlantic. with this view, the present study was undertaken, to throw; some light on the systematics and distribution oi’ planktonic ostracods in this region, This study provides iniormation regarding the distribution or each species in the Northern Indian Ocean, specially in the Bay of Bengal which is the least explored, as far as planlctunio ostracods are concerned. It may also furnish us with the data regarding the nature of ostracod production in this area, which directly reflects on the total productivity as they play an important role in the rapid recycling or organic substances, iaecal pellets and even flocculants In the present study the main objectives are; (1) Proper detemination of the species or planktonic Ostraooda that occur in the area or investigation, (2) to explain the pattern oi’ distribution, (3) to estimate their abundance and to some extent seasonal variation, and (4) to correlate their distribution with the physics-chemical factors of the environment |
Description: | Indian ocean biological center national institute of oceanography regional centre |
URI: | http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3278 |
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Dyuthi-T1252.pdf | (6.784Mb) |
Abstract: | The present work comprises studies on the salinity tolerance and respiratory metabolism of a mood-boring sphaeromid, Sphaeroma annandalei, Stabbing and two free living,foulers of the family Cirolanidae, Cirolana fluviatilis Stabbing and C. uilleyi Stabbing. Except for the systematic accounts and general observations by Pillai (1961) and the preliminary studies on the salinity tolerance and respiration of C. fluviatilis by Nagabhushanam and Gopalakrishnamurthy (1965, 1965a) very little is known about these isopods From Indian waters. Studies by John (1968) on the habits, structure, and development of Sphaeroma terebrans and by Cheriyan (1973) on the eoéphysiology of the same are the recent major contributions on this interesting group of animals. 5. annandalei is closely related to S. terebrans and has been reported to occur on timber along with the latter (Pillai, 1951). s. gggandalei is a serious pest attacking wood along the Kerala coast, but detailed works on this species have not been undertaken so Far |
Description: | School Of Marine Sciences,Cochin University Of Science And Technology |
URI: | http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3463 |
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Dyuthi-T1422.pdf | (4.552Mb) |
Abstract: | It is the object of the present study to contribute so much information as possible on the biology and economy of M.casta on the south west coast of India. It includes investigations on the growth of the species in three dimensions. |
Description: | Department Of Marine Sciences,Cochin University Of Science And Technology |
URI: | http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3706 |
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Dyuthi-T1686.pdf | (12.16Mb) |
Abstract: | The broad objective of the study is to find out the management practices followed in the rubber estates in India. Comparing the management practices followed in the estates belonging to Indian and non-Indian companiess is also an objective. It has been widely held that the management practices followed in the estates belonging to these groups vary considerably. Hence attempt is made to find out the divergence between them in regard to various practices and to identify and bring them into broader relief so that the strong points of each would be emulated by the other. The management practices are examined in the light of well-established management principles and techniques adopted in business and industry. The principles of management which are widely accepted are Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing and Controlling. Other management principles and techniques relating to personnel - finance, marketing, materials and transporting - are also examined in the appropriate context |
Description: | School Of Management Studies, Cochin University Of Science And Technology |
URI: | http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3564 |
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Dyuthi-T1545.pdf | (24.54Mb) |
Abstract: | HINDI |
Description: | Departmaent of hindi, CUSAT |
URI: | http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/4840 |
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Dyuthi-T1937.pdf | (8.846Mb) |
Abstract: | Very little is known about the tolerance of the pensoid prawns in Indian waters under varying environment conditions ,except for a note on the salinityon The growth of the juvenile papacus indicus by sreekumaran nair and krishnankutty there seems to be no work on this aspect besides the oxygen consumption of metsponecus dobsoni which is a major constituent of prawn fishery in this region has not been studied so far.T he present work comprises studies on the occurrence and abudance of penacid prawnsin two major estuaries in Kerala the kayamkulam lake and cochin backwaters the salinity and tempeture tolerance the effect of salinity on the growth of three comercially important prawns of kerala namely pensecus indicus, ,metaponaeus dobsoni, M monoceros and the respiratory metabolism of M. dobsoni. |
Description: | School of Marine Science, Cochin University of Science and Technology |
URI: | http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3385 |
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Dyuthi-T1362.pdf | (5.192Mb) |
Abstract: | The present thesis deals with the studies on certain aspects of pathological higher field theories .It brings to light some new abnormalities and new samples of abnormal theories and also puts forward a novel approach towards the construction of trouble free theories |
Description: | Department of Science, Cochin University of Science and Technology |
URI: | http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3329 |
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Dyuthi-T1319.pdf | (3.670Mb) |
Abstract: | This study is directed to examine how far price fluctuations in pepper can be controlled in the Indian context so as to have a reasonable and stable income for the primary producers which will ensure an adequate ‘encouragement for higher production and better export earnings. In a study of the methods of controlling violent price fluctuations a important question is that whether the present system of management of supply is satisfactory or not. It is more so when the demand is likely to be sanimlatsd by the importers and wholesalers of the foreign countries. Though pepper is the most important of all the spices gross in India, little work has been done so far to study the problems and prospects of this commodity. |
Description: | School of management studies, Cochin University of Science And Technology |
URI: | http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3328 |
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Dyuthi-T1296.pdf | (13.83Mb) |
Abstract: | The present study was undertaken with a view to understanding some aspects of the morphology, bionomics and physiology of the sea anemone A.nigrescens. This species was selected for the study since it is abundantly available along the coast throughout the year and can successfully reared in the laboratory without much effort. The present study deals with the following aspects of A.nigrescens. description of the species, habitat, food and feeding, digestion, studies on salinity tolerance, studies on oxygen consumption, studies on tolerance to desiccation, asexual reproduction and regeneration. |
Description: | School of marine sciences, Cochin University of Science And Technology |
URI: | http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3332 |
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Dyuthi-T1298.pdf | (9.134Mb) |
Abstract: | In the present thesis, possibility of beam shaping of sectoral horns and corner reflector systems'has been studied in detail. The experimental results obtained in the above two cases are compared. As far as the flanged sectoral horns are concerned, the special advantage is that the gain is increased without impairing impedance conditions. An intense study on corner reflector antennas shows that the been broadening or focussing will be possible by adjusting parameters involved. Beam tilting by imposing asymmetries is another interesting property of the systems. A comprehensive study of these fields has been presented in Chapter II. Chapter III is exclusively for describing the experimental techniques used in the present investigation. In Chapter IV, experimental results on flanged sectoral horns and corner reflector eyetses are presented. A comparative analysis of the experimental results obtained with flanged sectoral horns and corner reflector systems is presented in the Chapter V. The similarity and close resemblance in each aspects are shown by presenting typical results from these two eysteee. Theoretical aspects of both types of antennas are considered in Chapter VI. Attempts are made for co-ordinating the theoretical aspects and drawing a final conclusion. In Chapter VII. the final conclusion that the flanged sectoral horn may be considered as a corner reflector system has been drawn. The importance of the conclusions and usefulness are pointed out. The scope for further work in these lines has been indicated. |
Description: | Department of physics, Cochin University of Science And Technology |
URI: | http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3291 |
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Dyuthi-T1273.pdf | (7.116Mb) |
Abstract: | This thesis is divided into two parts. The first part deals with some studies in molecular mechanics Using spectroscopic data and has four chapters in it. Certain approximation methods for the evaluation of molecular force fields are herein developed The second part, which consists of the last two chaptcrs, deals with infrared spectral studies of ternary liquid systems and a polymer film prepared by glow discharge method. |
Description: | Department of physics, Cochin University of Science And Technology |
URI: | http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3317 |
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Dyuthi-T1289.pdf | (3.112Mb) |
Abstract: | In this thesis a detailed sampling is conducted using grabs and dredges to access the qualitative and quantitative nature of the macrobenthos. A11 the animal contributing to the fauna are identified and their pattern of distribution and seasonal abundance are discussed. Affinity and diversity of polychaete fauna have also been studied. Importance of different benthic forms and their contribution to the standing crop are studied in detail. Trophic relationship between macrofauna and botton feeding commercially important fishes and prawns are also given attention. The physico-chemical aspects or the environment have been studied and their relation to the distribution and abundance of bottom fauna has been discussed. Environmental parameters such as temperature. salinity and dissolved oxygen. both in bottom and in the overlying waters. and rainfall were studied along with the benthos investigations. The physico-chemical nature of the sediments was also subjected to investigation. Influence of all those ecological parameters on the bottom fauna is discussed. A detailed quantitative faunal list of maorobenthio species and a brief systematic account of the polychaeta are also given. |
Description: | School of marine sciences, Cochin University of Science And Technology |
URI: | http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3342 |
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Dyuthi-T1303.pdf | (6.767Mb) |
Abstract: | HINDI |
Description: | Department of Hindi,CUSAT |
URI: | http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/4808 |
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Dyuthi-T1905.pdf | (27.76Mb) |
Abstract: | The study is an objective analysis of the importance of the economics of rubber plantation industry in Kerala. The study covers a period of 25 years ranging from 1950-51 to 1974-75. The data for the study were obtained partly from published documents such as: (1) The Plantation Inquiry Commission Report (for 1950s) (2) The Tariff Commission Reports (for 1960s) (3) Indian Rubber Statistics (for 1970s) and partly from personal inquiries. The thesis is divided into three parts consisting of eight chapters. Part I deals with the importance, growth, present position, and the scope of the industry. Part II discusses in detail the various development schemes, their impact, the role of small holding sector in the development of the rubber plantation industry and the problems faced by small holdings. Part III analyses the problems connected with marketing, cost, profitability and the development potential of the industry |
Description: | School of management studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology |
URI: | http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3279 |
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Dyuthi-T1253.pdf | (6.290Mb) |
Abstract: | Considerable number of factories and related establishments forming an industrial complex are located in the upper reaches of the estuary from Varapuzha about 10km from cochin barmouth to Alwaye while lower down are the retting grounds at Vaduthala and nearby places at about 5km from the barmouth. Muncipal wastes from the city population of over 5 lakhs effluents and solid waste from several fish processing factories and other land washings around Willington island reach the estuary move near its lower reaches close to the barmouth. Cochin estuary is the biggest in the state providing water front for the largest number of industries from the small retting grounds of Vaduthala to the huge fertilizer factories of Udyogamandal and receiving the highest quantity of town sewage and land drainage. The estuary contributes itself as nursery ground for shrimps and related fishery as well. Study of this estuary therefore contributes to a typical environment as regards to pollution problems in the tropics and hence the scope of the present investigation |
Description: | Council of Scientific & Industrial Research Regional Centre National Institute of Oceanography |
URI: | http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3327 |
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Dyuthi-T1316.pdf | (13.13Mb) |
Abstract: | Teredinids (shipworms), a group of wood boring bivalves occurring in the Cochin Harbour region have been taken up for the eco-physiological studies. On the ecological part, the occurrence, abunance and seasonal intensity of the teredinids in relation to hydrographic conditions have been studied. On the physiological part, salinity tolerance and oxygen consumption of the most commonly occurring shipworms, Nausitcra hedlgyi and Teredo furcifera have been investigated. The hydrographic factors studied are temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, phosphate, nitrite, silicate and pH. The variation in temperature is found to be comparatively narrow. But seasonal variation in salinity, dissolved oxygen, phosphate, nitrite and silicate has been observed, with the highest values during the monsoon period. In the case of pH, the minimum value has been obtained during the low saline period and the maximum value, during the high saline period. Of the various hydrographic factors studied, salinity has been found to be the most important fluctuating environmental parameter influencing the life of organisms in the habitat. |
Description: | School of marine sciences, Cochin University of Science And Technology |
URI: | http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3292 |
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Dyuthi-T1274.pdf | (7.152Mb) |
Abstract: | One of the basic functions of management is to employ capital efficiently so as to provide maximum customer service and earn a profit in the proces1s. It is possible to achieve these objectives in different ways with the given amount of capital, either by maximising the output or by maximising the margin of profit or by a combination of both these methods. This would mean that the management must try to make this capital work as fast as possible, which is often difficult to achieve under the present conditions of the factors of production. It is also not possible to increase extensively the margin of profit due to competition in business and in this process the capital turn over and productivity of capital often becomes totally ineffective. Several modern techniques have been developed and employed by managers to remedy this situation. Among these, materials management has become one of the most effective methods to achieve both the above goals. Materials management enables a manager to improve productivity of capital by reducing material costs, preventing blocking up of large working capital for long periods and improving the capital turn over This study examines the working of materials management departments in public sector undertakings in India and Suggests méthods to improve its efficiency. |
Description: | School of Mangement Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology |
URI: | http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3393 |
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Dyuthi-T1370.pdf | (19.61Mb) |
Abstract: | The broad objective of the present study is to present a synoptic picture of the distribution and abundance of fish eggs and the lmportant groups of fish larvae obtained off the SW coast of India. so as to delineate the spawning areas and seasones of the fish population. with special reference to the scombroid fishes. An attempt was also made to correlate the occurrence of certain categories of larvae and hydrographical factors like temperature and salinity. The present effort was a pioneering one in Indian waters. in as much as it involved systematic and seasonally repetitive collection of ichthyoplankton from a large stretch of our seas and mapping of their distribution and abudance. |
Description: | School of Marine Science, Cochin University of Science and Technology |
URI: | http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3381 |
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Dyuthi-T1358.pdf | (7.502Mb) |
Abstract: | The present investigations confine to a study of the distribution of foraminifera in the estuarine environment and the interstial area of the sandy beaches of the south west coast of India with a view to correlate the distribution and the intensity of occurrence of the various species with hydrographic conditions and the substrate characteristics of the area. Studies on the foraminifera of the estuarine environment were carried out in the vembanad lake ,a major estuary in the south west coast of india extending for about 60km from cochin barmouth in the north to Alleppey in the south.Fortnightly collections of hydrographical data and grab samples of bottom deposit were made for a period of 2 years (july 1973 to june 1975) from fifteen stations chosen along the length of the lake. |
Description: | School of marine sciences, Cochin University of Science And Technology |
URI: | http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3319 |
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Dyuthi-T1290.pdf | (6.972Mb) |
Abstract: | The present study is intended to provide a new scientific approach to the solution of the worlds cost engineering problems encountered in the chemical industries in our nation. The problem is that of cost estimation of equipments especially of pressure vessels when setting up chemical industries .The present study attempts to develop a model for such cost estimation. This in turn is hoped would go a long way to solve this and related problems in forecasting the cost of setting up chemical plants. |
Description: | School of management,university of cochin |
URI: | http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3284 |
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Dyuthi-T1258.pdf | (9.608Mb) |
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