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Browsing by Author Cini, Achuthan

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
28-Nov-2008Activated packed bed bioreactor for rapid nitrification in brackish water hatchery systemsBright Singh, I S; Cini, Achuthan; Rejish Kumar, V J; Manju, N J; Rosamma, Philip
2000Development of Bioreactors for Nitrifying Water In Closed System Hatcheries Of Penaeid And Non-Penaeid PrawnsCini, Achuthan; Bright Singh, I S
17-Apr-2006Development of nitrifying bacterial consortia for immobilizing in nitrifying bioreactors designed for penaeid and non-penaeid larval rearing systems in the tropicsBright Singh, I S; Rosamma, Philip; Cini, Achuthan; Rejish Kumar, V J; Manju, N J
11-May-2009Immobilization of nitrifying bacterial consortia on wood particles for bioaugmenting nitrification in shrimp culture systemsBright Singh, I S; Cini, Achuthan; Rosamma, Philip; Manju, N J
15-Nov-2008Mass production of nitrifying bacterial consortia for the rapid establishment of nitrification in saline recirculating aquaculture systemsBright Singh, I S; Rosamma, Philip; Cini, Achuthan; Rejish Kumar, V J; Manju, N J
10-Feb-2013Molecular characterization of the nitrifying bacterial consortia employed for the activation of bioreactors used in brackish and marine aquaculture systemsBright Singh, I S; Rosamma, Philip; Vrinda, Sukumaran; Cini, Achuthan; Rejish Kumar, V J; Valsamma, Joseph
21-Sep-2008Stringed bed suspended bioreactors (SBSBR)for in situ nitrification in penaeid and non-penaeid hatchery systemsBright Singh, I S; Rosamma, Philip; Rejish Kumar, V J; Cini, Achuthan; Manju, N J
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7


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