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Bright Singh I S >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/4068

Title: Stringed bed suspended bioreactors (SBSBR)for in situ nitrification in penaeid and non-penaeid hatchery systems
Authors: Bright Singh, I S
Rosamma, Philip
Rejish Kumar, V J
Cini, Achuthan
Manju, N J
Keywords: Closed system shrimp hatchery
Nitrifying bioreactors
Nitrifying consortia
Shrimp/prawn larval production
Issue Date: 21-Sep-2008
Publisher: Springer
Abstract: For establishing nitrification in prawn (non-penaeid, salinity 10–15 ppt) and shrimp (penaeid, salinity 30–35 ppt) larval production systems, a stringed bed suspended bioreactor (SBSBR) was designed, fabricated, and validated. It was fabricated with 5 mm polystyrene and low density polyethylene beads as the substrata for ammonia and nitrite oxidizing bacterial consortia, respectively, with an overall surface area of 684 cm2. The reactors were activated in a prototype activator and were transported in polythene bags to the site of testing. Performance of the reactors activated with the nitrifying bacterial consortia AMONPCU-1 (ammonia oxidizers for non-penaeid culture) and NIONPCU-1 (nitrite oxidizers for non-penaeid culture) was evaluated in a Macrobrachium rosenbergii larval rearing system and those activated with AMOPCU-1 (ammonia oxidizers for penaeid culture) and NIOPCU-1 (nitrite oxidizers for penaeid culture) in a Penaeus monodon seed production system. Rapid setting up of nitrification could be observed in both the static systems which resulted in a higher relative per cent survival of larvae
Description: Aquacult Int (2009) 17:479–489 DOI 10.1007/s10499-008-9218-2
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/4068
Appears in Collections:Bright Singh I S

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