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Bright Singh I S >

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Title: Development of nitrifying bacterial consortia for immobilizing in nitrifying bioreactors designed for penaeid and non-penaeid larval rearing systems in the tropics
Authors: Bright Singh, I S
Rosamma, Philip
Cini, Achuthan
Rejish Kumar, V J
Manju, N J
Keywords: Nitrification
bacterial consortia
nitrifying bioreactors
hatchery systems
Issue Date: 17-Apr-2006
Publisher: New Delhi, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research.
Abstract: Two ammonia oxidizing (AMOPCU-1 and AMONPCU-1) and two nitrite oxidizing (NIOPCU-1 and NIONPCU-1) consortia for activating nitrifying bioreactors and thereby establishing nitrification in penaeid and non-penaeid hatchery systems were developed by enrichment. For further amplification of the consortia a simple medium having seawater (either salinity 30 ‰ or 15 ‰) as base, supplemented with NH4+-N/NO2--N and PO4- and pH adjusted to 8 was identified. During the amplification in a fermentor the consortia exhibited excessive wall growth and diminished their yield coefficient posing difficulty in harvesting the cells completely. The consortia consisted of both Gram negative and Gram-positive bacterial cells embedded in a mucilaginous matrix of glycocalyx - like material presumably composed of polysaccharides. The consortia besides being useful in activating nitrifying bioreactors developed for shrimp/prawn hatchery systems can also be used as bioaugmentors in the bioremediation of ammonia and nitrite toxicity in aquaculture systems.
Description: Indian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol. 35(3), September 2006, pp. 240-248
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/4053
Appears in Collections:Bright Singh I S

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