New supported transition metal complexes: synthesis, characterization and application as catalysts for oxidation/hydrodesulphurization reactions |
Anas, K; Dr.Mohammed Yusuff,K K
This thesis deals with the synthesis and charcterisation of some supported
transition metal complexes and their catalytic properties. Two industrially
important reactions were carried out: i) cyclohexanol oxidation and ii)
hydrodesulphurization of diesel. Thesis is divided into nine chapters. An
overview of the heterogenised homogeneous systems is given in Chapter 1.
Chapter 2 deals with the materials and methods used for the preparation and
characterisation. Details regarding the synthesis and characterisation of zeolite
encapsulated transition metal complexes are given in Chapter 3 to Chapter 7. In
Chapter 8, the results of catalytic activity studies of the cyclohexanol oxidation
using the zeolite encapsulated complexes are presented. Details of preparation of
hydrodesulphurization catalysts through the molecular designed dispersion
method, their characterization and catalytic activity studies are presented in
Chapter 9. References are given at the end of the thesis. |
Department of Applied Chemistry,Cochin University of Science and Technology |
2003-04 |