Studies on Soft Bycatch Reduction Devices for Selective Trawling

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Studies on Soft Bycatch Reduction Devices for Selective Trawling

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Title: Studies on Soft Bycatch Reduction Devices for Selective Trawling
Author: Sabu, S; Boopendranath, M R
Abstract: Trawling, though an efficient method of fishing, is known to be one of the most non-selective methods of fish capture. The bulk of the wild caught penaeid shrimps landed in India are caught by trawling.In addition to shrimps, the trawler fleet also catches considerable amount of non-shrimp resources. The term bycatch means that portion of the catch other than target species caught while fishing, which are either retained or discarded. Bycatch discards is a serious problem leading to the depletion of the resources and negative impacts on biodiversity. In order to minimize this problem, trawling has to be made more selective by incorporating Bycatch Reduction Devices (BRDs). There are several advantages in using BRDs in shrimp trawling. BRDs reduce the negative impacts of shrimp trawling on marine community. Fishers could benefit economically from higher catch value due to improved catch quality, shorter sorting time, lower fuel costs, and longer tow duration. Adoption of BRDs by fishers would forestall criticism by conservation groups against trawling.
Description: Faculty of Marine Sciences COCHIN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY COCHIN-682 022
Date: 2008-08

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