Spectral and statistical characteristics of shoaling waves of Alleppey West coast of India

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Spectral and statistical characteristics of shoaling waves of Alleppey West coast of India

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Title: Spectral and statistical characteristics of shoaling waves of Alleppey West coast of India
Author: Shahul,Hameed T S; Dr.Baba, M
Abstract: Some investigations on the spectral and statistical characteristics of deep water waves are available for Indian waters. But practically no systematic investigation on the shallow water wave spectral and probabilistic characteristics is made for any part of the Indian coast except for a few restricted studies. Hence a comprehensive study of the shallow water wave climate and their spectral and statistical characteristics for a location (Alleppey) along the southwest coast of India is undertaken based on recorded data. The results of the investigation are presented in this thesis.The thesis comprises of seven chapters
Description: Centre for Earth Science Studies
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3624
Date: 1989-03

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