Petrochemistry related mineralization and genesis of the Ambalavayal granite and assoiated pegmatites, Wynad district, Kerala |
Santosh, M; Dr.Nair, N G K
The Kerala region which forms a significant segment of the
south—western Indian shield, dominantly comprises charnockites,
khondalites and migmatitic gneisses of Precambrian age.
Recent investigations have revealed the occurrences of a
number of younger granite and syenite plutons in this region,
.spatially related to regional fault—lineaments. The granite
of Ambalavayal in Wynad district of northern Kerala is a
typical member of this suite of intrusives. The thesis is
based on a comprehensive study in terms of geology, petrology,
geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Ambalavayal granite,
basement gneisses, associated pegmatites, quartz veins and
related mineralization that together cover an area of about
90 sq km in wynad district of northern Kerala |
Centre for Earth Science Studies Trivandrum |
1985-09 |