Mass Transport In The Equatorial Indian Ocean

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Mass Transport In The Equatorial Indian Ocean

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Title: Mass Transport In The Equatorial Indian Ocean
Author: Harish,C M; Dr.Sharma,G S
Abstract: In the equatorial oceans, the meridional currents are far less energetic than their zonal counterparts. The response of the Equatorial Indian Ocean to the seasonal reversals in the zonal wind field. is quite interesting and unique. A modest attempt, considering the shortcomings in the hydrographic data availability and distribution, is made to evaluate the variability in the zonal transport of mass. in_ both space and time. The peculiarities in its hydrological regime imposed upon by the seasonally varying winds is best appreciated when compared with the quasi permanent circulation characteristics of the Pacific and Atlanti'c.The major features of the tequatorial mass transport is outlined in the introductory chapter of this thesis for the Pacific and Atlantic Mass transport studies in the Indian Ocean, as can be seen from the earlier studies, gis“ the least known and understood, though could have captured the attention of both the experimentalist and the theoretician alike. owing to its complexity. Since in the Indian Ocean, the studies on the zonal mass transport are limited and are confined to the equator only, an attempt has been made to compute the mass transport extending from 5 N to 20 S.
Description: Centre For Earth Science Studies,Cochin University Of Science And Technology
Date: 1987-12

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