Hydrometeorological Studies of Kerala state in relation to the Western Ghats

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Hydrometeorological Studies of Kerala state in relation to the Western Ghats

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Title: Hydrometeorological Studies of Kerala state in relation to the Western Ghats
Author: Shadananan Nair,K; Dr.Ram Mohan,H S
Abstract: Study of Kerala State in relation to the western Ghats, using The present thesis envisages a hydrometeorological various statistical techniques and the water balance concepts first developed by Thornthwaite. The first chapter of the thesis gives general introduction where the purpose and scope of the study have been given. Chapter II discusses the importance of hydrometeorological studies in general and of water balance in particular, in planning for the overall development of any region. Chapter III consists of the presentation of various geographical features of Kerala. An introduction to the physiography of the western Ghats and detailed hydroclimatic studies of the Western Ghats region which includes analysis of rainfall and the study of water balance elements form Chapter IV. In Chapter V, a detailed hydrometeorological study of Kerala State is made. Discussion of the results of the study and suggestions for optimum utilization of the available water resources for the overall development of the western Ghats region in general and Kerala in particular are made in Chapter VI.
Description: Physical Oceanography and Meteorology Division, School of Marine Sciences, Cochin University of Science and Technology
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3504
Date: 1987-10-01

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