Studies on ecophysiology of pfnafus indicus h. milne edwards in the grow-out system

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Studies on ecophysiology of pfnafus indicus h. milne edwards in the grow-out system

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Title: Studies on ecophysiology of pfnafus indicus h. milne edwards in the grow-out system
Author: Subhash, Chander; Dr.Diwan, A D
Abstract: In the present study, the main emphasis was to find out it seasonal and ecosystem specific variations of calcium magnesium, phosphorus, copper and zinc in the water and the sediment has any role to play in altering the concentration of these elements in different tissues of intermoult p.indicus as evidenced by the seasonal studies in the grow out and the marine ecosystems
Description: Centre of advanced studies in mariculture, Central marine fisheries research institute
Date: 1986-11

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