Studies on the littoral processes in relation to stability of beaches around Cchin

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Studies on the littoral processes in relation to stability of beaches around Cchin

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Title: Studies on the littoral processes in relation to stability of beaches around Cchin
Author: Sathees, Chandra Shenoi S; Dr.Kurup, P G
Abstract: The coastal and nearshore areas have played vital role in the trade and economic development of coastal nations since ancient times. In recent years, the demands for utilization of these areas have increased for purposes of navigation, setting up of offshore structures for oil industry, exploitation of the available fishery and mineral resources, and to provide recreational facilities along the coast as a part of the coastal zone management. It is in this context the studies on nearshore processes receive greater priorities. Stability of beaches is controlled by the interaction of various physical parameters such as winds, waves, currents, tides and the nature and constituents of the beaches. The results of studies carried out by the author on the dynamical effects of these environmental parameters on the shoreline processes along the beaches around Cochin are presented in this thesis. The section of the coast investigated is about 57 km of shore from Azhikode to Anthakaranazhi situated on the central Kerala coast. Four regions namely Narakkal, Malipuram, Fort Cochin and Anthakaranazhi were chosen for detailed study
Description: School of Marine Sciences, Cochin University of Science and Technology
Date: 1984-06

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