Phytoplankton Pigment Signatures as a Biomarker in a Tropical Estuary |
Aneeshkumar, N; Dr.Sujatha, C H
We are in the cutting edge of a new era of development without leaving
any promises to next generation. But the scale and size of the problem are only
partially blamed. The juggernaut of Globalisation has trampled upon whatever
little hope we might have had making a quick transition to a less energy –
intensive world. “Environment friendliness begins at home”. Our quest for
productivity and profitability should progress simultaneous with our
cooperative responsibility of leaving behind a clean and green earth for the
generation to come. Climate change is the most pressing global environmental
challenge being faced by humanity, with the quest for better productivity for our
fragile ecosystem. It is too late to rely solely on reduction in Green house gas
emissions to mitigate climate change although this is undoubtedly crucial.
Coastal belts are more prone to these devastating impacts and its protection is an
intensive filed of research. The present study describes how the colourful
Carotenoids and Chlorophylls can be used in rapid hand on tool in conjunction
with molecular biology to open sources and it also explores the fate of organic
matter in the aquatic system and underlying sediments. |
Department of Chemical Oceanography,
Cochin University of Science and Technology |
2009-10 |