Dual-frequency dual-polarized slot -coupled compact microstrip antenna for communication system |
Binoy,G S; Aanandan,C K; Mohanan, P; Vasudevan, K
A new design of' a dual-frequency dual-polarized square microsh'ip antenna fed
along the diagonal, embedded with a square slot having three extended stubs for
frequency tuning, is introduced. The proposed antenna was fabricated using a
standard photolithographic method and the antenna was tested using the HP
3510(:; Vector Network Analyser. The antenna is capable of generating dual
resonant frequencies with mutually perpendicular polarizations and broad
radiation pattern characteristics. Such dual-frequency designs find wide
applications in personal mobile handsets combining GSM and CDS 1800 modes,
and applications in which different frequencies are used for emission and reception
such as personal satellite communications and cellular network systems. |
2002-01-12 |