Sudha Kartha, C; Vijayakumar, K P; Angel, Susan Cherian; Abe, T; Kashiwaba, Y(Elsevier, 2012)
Thin film solar cells having structure CuInS2/In2S3 were fabricated using chemical spray pyrolysis (CSP) technique
over ITO coated glass. Top electrode was silver film (area 0.05 cm2). Cu/In ratio and S/Cu in the precursor solution
for CuInS2 were fixed as 1.2 and 5 respectively. In/S ratio in the precursor solution for In2S3 was fixed as 1.2/8. An
efficiency of 0.6% (fill factor -37.6%) was obtained. Cu diffusion to the In2S3 layer, which deteriorates junction
properties, is inevitable in CuInS2/In2S3 cell. So to decrease this effect and to ensure a Cu-free In2S3 layer at the top of
the cell, Cu/In ratio was reduced to 1. Then a remarkable increase in short circuit current density was occurred from 3
mA/cm2 to 14.8 mA/cm2 and an efficiency of 2.13% was achieved. Also when In/S ratio was altered to 1.2/12, the
short circuit current density increased to 17.8 mA/cm2 with an improved fill factor of 32% and efficiency remaining
as 2%. Thus Cu/In and In/S ratios in the precursor solutions play a crucial role in determining the cell parameters
Jayaraj, M K(Electrochemical Society, July 18, 2007)
ZnGa2O4:Dy3+ phosphor thin films were deposited on quartz substrates by radio frequency rf magnetron sputtering and the effect
of substrate temperature on its structural and luminescent properties was investigated. Polycrystalline film could be deposited even
at room temperature. The crystalline behavior, Zn/Ga ratio, and surface morphology of the films were found to be highly sensitive
to substrate temperature. Under UV illumination, the as-deposited films at and above 300°C gave white luminescence even
without any postdeposition treatments. The photoluminescent PL emission can be attributed to the combined effect of multicolor
emissions from the single luminescence center Dy3+ via host-sensitization. Maximum PL emission intensity was observed for the
film deposited at 600°C, and the CIE chromaticity coordinates of the emission were determined to be x,y = 0.34, 0.31 .