Studies on underwater propagation development of programmable arrays

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Studies on underwater propagation development of programmable arrays

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Title: Studies on underwater propagation development of programmable arrays
Author: Saseendran Pillai, P R; Dr.Sreedhar, C S
Abstract: The thesis presented here includes the designing of underwater transducer arrays, taking into account the ‘interaction effects’ [30] among the closely packed radiators. Methods of minimizing the ‘interaction effects‘ by modifying the radiating aperture, are investigated. The need for this study arises as it is one of the important peculiar limitations that stands in the way of achieving maximum range of transmission of acoustic signals. Application of the modified array format for the generation of narrow beam low frequency sound waves, through nonlinear interactions, is discussed. Other techniques that can be advantageously exploited in array synthesis are also investigated
Description: Department of electronics and communication systems, Cochin University of Science And Technology
Date: 1981-12

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