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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/590

Title: Age-Dependent Properties of Acid & Alkaline DNases in Chick Brain
Authors: Indrapal Singh,N
Shrivastaw,K P
Paulose,C S
Subba Rao,K
Keywords: Acid & Alkaline DNases
Heavy metal ion inhibition
Issue Date: 13-Nov-1981
Publisher: Department of Biotechnology
Abstract: Acid and alkaline DNase activities in partially purified preparations from young and old chick brain were measured. The specific activity of acid DNase from old brain was lower by about 50% than that of enzyme from young brain , whereas alkaline DNase exhibited only marginal difference in activity of the two preparations . Study of various properties, viz. heat-stability and effect of exogenous compounds like Mg=', Hgl', Zn=', PHM B , on these enzymes revealed that while acid DNase in old brain is more susceptible to heat and heavy metal ion inhibition , alkaline DNase is devoid of any age-dependent variation in its properties.
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/590
Appears in Collections:Dr.C S Paulose

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