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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/3257

Title: Influence of additives on the charactaristics of stone matrix asphalt
Authors: Bindu, C S
Dr. Beena, K S
Keywords: Road network
Stone Matrix Asphalt
Indirect tensile strength test
Drain down
Issue Date: 16-Jan-2012
Publisher: Cochin University of Science and Technology
Abstract: The increase in traffic growth and maintenance expenditures demands the urgent need for building better, long-lasting, and more efficient roads preventing or minimizing bituminous pavement distresses. Many of the principal distresses in pavements initiate or increase in severity due to the presence of water. In Kerala highways, where traditional dense graded mixtures are used for the surface courses, major distress is due to moisture induced damages. The Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) mixtures provide a durable surface course. Proven field performance of test track at Delhi recommends Stone Matrix Asphalt as a right choice to sustain severe climatic and heavy traffic conditions. But the concept of SMA in India is not so popularized and its application is very limited mainly due to the lack of proper specifications. This research is an attempt to study the influence of additives on the characteristics of SMA mixtures and to propose an ideal surface course for the pavements. The additives used for this investigation are coir, sisal, banana fibres (natural fibres), waste plastics (waste material) and polypropylene (polymer). A preliminary investigation is conducted to characterize the materials used in this study. Marshall test is conducted for optimizing the SMA mixtures (Control mixture-without additives and Stabilized mixtures with additives). Indirect tensile strength tests, compression strength tests, triaxial strength tests and drain down sensitivity tests are conducted to study the engineering properties of stabilized mixtures. The comparison of the performance of all stabilized mixtures with the control mixture and among themselves are carried out. A statistical analysis (SPSS package Ver.16) is performed to establish the findings of this study
Description: School of Engineering, Cochin University of Science and Technology
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3257
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Engineering

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