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Title: Development of a New Transform:MRT
Authors: Rajesh Cherian,Roy
Dr.Gopikakumari, R
Keywords: Signal transforms
Forward transform
Inverse Transform (2-D IMRT)
Inverse 2-D UMRT
Issue Date: Feb-2009
Publisher: Cochin University of Science and Technology
Abstract: Fourier transform methods are employed heavily in digital signal processing. Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is among the most commonly used digital signal transforms. The exponential kernel of the DFT has the properties of symmetry and periodicity. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) methods for fast DFT computation exploit these kernel properties in different ways. In this thesis, an approach of grouping data on the basis of the corresponding phase of the exponential kernel of the DFT is exploited to introduce a new digital signal transform, named the M-dimensional Real Transform (MRT), for l-D and 2-D signals. The new transform is developed using number theoretic principles as regards its specific features. A few properties of the transform are explored, and an inverse transform presented. A fundamental assumption is that the size of the input signal be even. The transform computation involves only real additions. The MRT is an integer-to-integer transform. There are two kinds of redundancy, complete redundancy & derived redundancy, in MRT. Redundancy is analyzed and removed to arrive at a more compact version called the Unique MRT (UMRT). l-D UMRT is a non-expansive transform for all signal sizes, while the 2-D UMRT is non-expansive for signal sizes that are powers of 2. The 2-D UMRT is applied in image processing applications like image compression and orientation analysis. The MRT & UMRT, being general transforms, will find potential applications in various fields of signal and image processing.
Description: Division of Electronics Engineering,Cochin University of Science and Technology
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/2688
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Technology

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