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Dr. A N Balchand >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/2063

Title: Inertial oscillation forced by the September 1997 cyclone in the Bay of Bengal
Authors: Balchand, A N
Jossia, Joseph K
Hareeshkumar, P V
Marine Sciences
Keywords: Bay of Bengal
inertial oscillation
spectral analysis
wind forcing
Issue Date: Mar-2007
Publisher: Current Science
Abstract: Time-series measurements from a moored data buoy located in the Bay of Bengal captured signals of inertial oscillation forced by the September 1997 cyclone. The progressive vector diagram showed mean northeastward current with well-defined clockwise circulation. Spectral analysis exhibited inertial peak at 0.67 cpd with blue shift and high rotary coefficient of –0.99, which signifies strong circular inertial oscillation. The wind and SST also exhibited spectral peak at inertial band (0.69 cpd) with higher blue shift. The inertial amplitude of 148.8 cm/s corresponding to a wind stress of 0.99 N/m2 and spectral peak near the local inertial frequency (0.653 cpd) indicate that the transfer of momentum was high.
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/xmlui/purl/2063
Appears in Collections:Dr. A N Balchand

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