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Browsing by Author Dr. Tessamma, Thomas

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
14-Jul-2004Classification of Mammograms and DW T based Detection of MicrocalcificationMini, M G; Dr. Tessamma, Thomas
27-Feb-2013Development of a Biometric Personal Authentication System Based on Fingerprint and SpeechPraveen, N; Dr. Tessamma, Thomas
5-Mar-2013Development of a Fully Automated Image Analysis Method for High Density cDNA and array CGH Microarray Based Genomic StudiesDeepa, J; Dr. Tessamma, Thomas
23-Apr-2014Development of Directionally Adaptive Techniques for Single Image Super-ResolutionReji, A P; Dr. Tessamma, Thomas
Apr-2008Development of Shape Descriptors Based on Legendre Polynomials and Content-Based Retrieval of Scoliosis ImagesDinesh Kumar, V P; Dr. Tessamma, Thomas
12-Aug-2013Development of Techniques for the Automatic Extraction and Grade Detection of Glioma Tumors from Conventional Brain Magnetic Resonant ImagesAnanda Resmi, S; Dr. Tessamma, Thomas
Nov-2010Development of Time - Frequency Techniques for Sonar ApplicationsRoshen, Jacob; Dr.Unnikrishnan, A; Dr. Tessamma, Thomas
Aug-2011Fractal based techniques for classification of mammograms and identification of microcalcificationsDeepa, Sankar; Dr. Tessamma, Thomas
Dec-2003PSWT Based Linear Predictive Coding and Development of a Parallel Multiple Subsequence Structure for DWT ComputationDevassia, V P; Dr. Tessamma, Thomas; Technology
18-Aug-2014Spatially Adaptive Image Denoising Techniques Using DirectionletsSethunadh, R; Dr. Tessamma, Thomas
Showing results 1 to 10 of 10


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