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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://purl.org/purl/4543

Title: Classification of Mammograms and DW T based Detection of Microcalcification
Authors: Mini, M G
Dr. Tessamma, Thomas
Keywords: Digital Image Processing
Medical Image Processing
Tools for image processing
The Wavelet Transform
Neural Network
Breast Cancer
Issue Date: 14-Jul-2004
Publisher: Cochin University of Science And Technology
Abstract: Cancer treatment is most effective when it is detected early and the progress in treatment will be closely related to the ability to reduce the proportion of misses in the cancer detection task. The effectiveness of algorithms for detecting cancers can be greatly increased if these algorithms work synergistically with those for characterizing normal mammograms. This research work combines computerized image analysis techniques and neural networks to separate out some fraction of the normal mammograms with extremely high reliability, based on normal tissue identification and removal. The presence of clustered microcalcifications is one of the most important and sometimes the only sign of cancer on a mammogram. 60% to 70% of non-palpable breast carcinoma demonstrates microcalcifications on mammograms [44], [45], [46].WT based techniques are applied on the remaining mammograms, those are obviously abnormal, to detect possible microcalcifications. The goal of this work is to improve the detection performance and throughput of screening-mammography, thus providing a ‘second opinion ‘ to the radiologists. The state-of- the- art DWT computation algorithms are not suitable for practical applications with memory and delay constraints, as it is not a block transfonn. Hence in this work, the development of a Block DWT (BDWT) computational structure having low processing memory requirement has also been taken up.
Description: Department of Electronics, Cochin University of Science And Technology
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/4543
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Technology

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