Time Resolved Analysis of C2 Emission from Laser Induced Graphite Plasma in Helium Atmosphere |
Harilal, S S; Issac, Riju C; Bindhu, C V; Nampoori, V P N; Vallabhan, C P G
We report time resolved study of C2 emission from laser produced carbon plasma in presence of ambient helium
gas. The 1.06µm: radiation from a Nd:YAG laser was focused onto a graphite target where it·produced a transient
plasma. We observed double peak structure in the time profile of C2 species. The twin peaks were observed only
after a threshold laser fluence. It is proposed that the faster velocity component in the temporal profiles originates
mainly due to recombination processes. The laser fluence and ambient gas dependence of the double peak intensity
distribution is also reported. |
1997 |