Studies on Thermoplastic Elastomer Based on Linear Low-Density Polyethylene and Latex Product Waste Modified with Thiocarbanilide

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Studies on Thermoplastic Elastomer Based on Linear Low-Density Polyethylene and Latex Product Waste Modified with Thiocarbanilide

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Title: Studies on Thermoplastic Elastomer Based on Linear Low-Density Polyethylene and Latex Product Waste Modified with Thiocarbanilide
Author: Rani, Joseph
Abstract: Latex waste like glove waste was effectively modified using a new reclaiming agent, thiocarbanilide. This modified waste was blended with linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) to develop a novel thermoplastic elastomer. Both uncrosslinked and dynamically crosslinked blends were prepared and their properties were studied. The results were found to be comparable to those of conventional thermoplastic elastomers.
Date: 2005

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