Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFA) Regulate Neurotransmitter Contents in Rat Brain |
Sheelu,Varghese; Bake,Shameena; Lakshmy,P S; Biju,M P; Eswar Shankar,P N; Paulose,C S; Oommen,V Oommen
The effects of feeding of 6-propyllhiouracil (6-I'fU) and potyunsaturatcd fatty acids (I'UFA) independently and ill
combination and administration (ip) of a single close of Iriiodothyronine (I',) (2.51ig/IOOg body wl) along with feeding of 6-
PTU and PUFA were studied in cal brain. Dopamine (DA), 5-hydroxytryplophan (5-IIl'I'), serolouin (5-Ill), 5-hydioxy indole
acetic acid (5-111AA), norepinephrine (NF) :uul ceinephrinn (I?I'l) contenls were assayed in the hypothalannls and ccrc
bral cortex regions. It was found that 6-P"l'U Iccding resulted in decrease in dopamine, 5-III', 5 II I I' and 5 IIiAA in both
regions. In animals fed wills PUFA followed by adnliuislralion of T,. the I)A level was found normal. |
2001-08-27 |