Effect of L-Prolyl-L-Leucyl-Glycinamide (PLG) on Neuroleptic-Induced Catalepsy and Dopamine/Neuroleptic Receptor Bindings

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Effect of L-Prolyl-L-Leucyl-Glycinamide (PLG) on Neuroleptic-Induced Catalepsy and Dopamine/Neuroleptic Receptor Bindings

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Title: Effect of L-Prolyl-L-Leucyl-Glycinamide (PLG) on Neuroleptic-Induced Catalepsy and Dopamine/Neuroleptic Receptor Bindings
Author: Simon,Chiu; Paulose,C S; Ram,K Mishra
Abstract: Effect of L-prolyl-cinagta tlheep spyo atenndt idaol paanmti-iPnaer/nkeinusroonleiapnti cp rreocpeeprttoiers b oifn dLi-npgrso.lyPl E-LP-TleIuDcEylS- g2l(y1c)Li n1-a0lem5u-ic1dy1el1-g,(Ply1Lc9iG8n1)a. mw-Taidhsee i nm(vPeeLcstGhiag) anotinesmd n ie onuf rb oaelchetapiovtinico -suuirnbadslu eacrnevddetnarflefetueeacrrtmto a coephfnp ePtrmLe(2icGc0iaa, lob4 mnl0y io atndnhedevl sii8tn r0oto fem dndgosoi ppktyaag mm o-1fii nn tSeehCr/eng cteiwcau tfiracuolenle edpcptattiiioiclcny r r feienoscrp et ohfpinetvos erer ad ebtali.iyncAsdit)cienusdgit ge bin nyai dfrhimacaatli nonsttpilrseytirar aiatdtuttoimeolnn u(a3aso tmfde PidgfL f hkeGargel -o(n'p2tI0ieaPr ali)ldn.y odB ll ay4-b 0icne omldlneugtdc rk eabgdsy t - c1,aa pcSthoaCrmleo)ponfrsaicypil .heP TidLn hteGoe pahnidn esp tior odpoepraimdoinl ew raesc aelpstoo ersx ainm tihnee dst.rPiaLtuGm s,elbeuctt ihvaedly n eon ehfafneccte don t h['eH a]ffsipniirtoyp oefr tidhoel sbpiencdifinicg .b Tinhdei nbge hoafv aigouonraislt an[3dH b] iaopcohmemori-- cal results obtained in the present study raise the possibility that PLG may facilitate nigro-striatal dopaminergic neurotransmission through interacting with a unique PLG receptor functionally coupled to the dopamine receptor cyclase complex. -adenylate
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/578
Date: 1980-07-07

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