The semiconductor industry's urge towards faster, smaller and cheaper
integrated circuits has lead the industry to smaller node devices. The integrated
circuits that are now under volume production belong to 22 nm
and 14 nm technology nodes. In 2007 the 45 nm technology came with
the revolutionary high- /metal gate structure. 22 nm technology utilizes
fully depleted tri-gate transistor structure. The 14 nm technology is a
continuation of the 22 nm technology. Intel is using second generation
tri-gate technology in 14 nm devices. After 14 nm, the semiconductor industry
is expected to continue the scaling with 10 nm devices followed by
7 nm. Recently, IBM has announced successful production of 7 nm node
test chips. This is the fashion how nanoelectronics industry is proceeding
with its scaling trend.
For the present node of technologies selective deposition and selective removal
of the materials are required. Atomic layer deposition and the
atomic layer etching are the respective techniques used for selective deposition
and selective removal. Atomic layer deposition still remains as
a futuristic manufacturing approach that deposits materials and lms in
exact places. In addition to the nano/microelectronics industry, ALD is
also widening its application areas and acceptance. The usage of ALD
equipments in industry exhibits a diversi cation trend. With this trend,
large area, batch processing, particle ALD and plasma enhanced like ALD
equipments are becoming prominent in industrial applications. In this
work, the development of an atomic layer deposition tool with microwave
plasma capability is described, which is a ordable even for lightly funded
research labs. |