Design and Development of Spectral Signature Based Chipless RFID Tags

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Design and Development of Spectral Signature Based Chipless RFID Tags

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Title: Design and Development of Spectral Signature Based Chipless RFID Tags
Author: Dinesh, R; Dr Mohanan, P
Abstract: The main objective of this thesis is to design and develop spectral signature based chipless RFID tags Multiresonators are essential component of spectral signature based chipless tags. To enhance the data coding capacity in spectral signature based tags require large number of resonances in a limited bandwidth. The frequency of the resonators have to be close to each other. To achieve this condition, the quality factor of each resonance needs to be high. The thesis discusses about various types of multiresonators, their practical implementation and how they can be used in design. Encoding of data into spectral domain is another challenge in chipless tag design. Here, the technique used is the presence or absence encoding technique. The presence of a resonance is used to encode Logic 1 and absence of a speci c resonance is used to encode Logic 0. Di erent types of multiresonators such as open stub multiresonators, coupled bunch hairpin resonators and shorted slot ground ring resonator are proposed in this thesis.
Date: 2015-04

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