Strongly distance-balanced graphs and graph products

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Strongly distance-balanced graphs and graph products

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Title: Strongly distance-balanced graphs and graph products
Author: Kannan, Balakrishnan; Manoj, Changat; Iztok, Peterin; Simon, Spacapan; Primoz, Sparl; Ajitha, Subhamathi R
Abstract: A graph G is strongly distance-balanced if for every edge uv of G and every i 0 the number of vertices x with d.x; u/ D d.x; v/ 􀀀 1 D i equals the number of vertices y with d.y; v/ D d.y; u/ 􀀀 1 D i. It is proved that the strong product of graphs is strongly distance-balanced if and only if both factors are strongly distance-balanced. It is also proved that connected components of the direct product of two bipartite graphs are strongly distancebalanced if and only if both factors are strongly distance-balanced. Additionally, a new characterization of distance-balanced graphs and an algorithm of time complexity for their recognition, wheremis the number of edges and n the number of vertices of the graph in question, are given
Description: European Journal of Combinatorics 30 (2009) 1048- 1053
Date: 2008-10-31

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