Dynamics Of Co-Operative Marketing In Tribiai. Economiesa Study Of Non—Timber Forest Produce Marketinowin Kerala |
Philip, Thomas; Dr.Meera Bai,M
The following objectives have been formulated for
the study.
To assess the procurement and marketing practices of
Non—Timber Forest Produce by tribes and Tribal
Co-operative Societies and examine the role of
co—operatives in liberating the tribes from the clutches
of private traders.
To study the relative efficiency of marketing channels.
To analyse the inter—difference between tribes and
regions in the collection and marketing of Non—Timber
Forest produce.
To examine the forward linkage of tribal co-operative
societies with the Ayurvedic Medicinal Manufacturing
Units of the state.
To examine the impact of marketing on employment and
income of tribes and
To examine the extent of involvement of tribes in Tribal
Co-operative Societies in policy formulation and
implementation. |
Department of Applied Economics.
Cochin University of Science and Technology |
1996-05 |