Structure of marketing channels of selected manufacturing industries in Kerala

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Structure of marketing channels of selected manufacturing industries in Kerala

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Title: Structure of marketing channels of selected manufacturing industries in Kerala
Author: Antony,G; Dr.Ranganathan, N
Abstract: The study evolved from the basic premise that the existing distribution structure is not adequate or adaptive to meet the needs of the expanding manufacturing sector and the emerging mass market. The hypothised causes of the problem are the following: marketing channels are not used for strategy differentiation by manufacturers: there are too many intermediaries in the channels; the distributive institutions are not adaptive; and there is very little control over the flow of products through the channels. These assumptions about the causes of the problem have been translated into specific hypotheses and tested with data. Empirical analysis, while supporting some of these hypotheses, challenges certain widely held notions. The ensuing summary presents the important findings, in the sequence in which they are discussed in the study.
Description: School of Management Studies,Cochin University of Science and Technology
Date: 1986-04

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