The co-operative credit structure in a state
set up consists of 3 tiers — Primary Societies at the base,
District Co-operative Banks at the middle and State Cooperative
Bank at the top. But, some societies at the
primary level are governed by, in addition to Co-operative
Societies Act, the Banking Regulation Act. Thus they are
under dual control. In addition, they are working under
the direct purview of Reserve Bank of India. The scope
of this study is restricted to such Primary Societies,
District Co-operative Banks and State Co-operative Bank.
For the evaluation of the working of Co-operative
Banks, the board of directors and staff were interviewed
with the help of pre-constructed and pre-tested interview
schedules. However, the share holders and customers were
not interviewed mainly because almost all respondents
were reluctant to provide copies of an exhaustive list
of share holders and non-share holder customers, for
the purpose of maintaining secrecy. This being an
individual work, it was found physically and financially
very difficult to extend the study so as to cover the
share holders and non-share holder customers. Limitations
of time were also responsible for restricting this study.
The period of study was restricted to 1980-'81
to 1983-'84 as the data relating to earlier periods were
firstly not available from all banks and secondly the
prior data was considered out of date for the purpose of
the study. |