Photoacoustic studies on multilayer dielectric coatings

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Photoacoustic studies on multilayer dielectric coatings

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Title: Photoacoustic studies on multilayer dielectric coatings
Author: Annieta, Philip; Radhakrishnan, P; Nampoori, V P N; Vallabhan, C P G
Abstract: Non-destructive testing d multilayer dielectric coatings (SiO2/TiO2 structure) has been carried out using the photoacoustic technique. This technique makes use d a 10 mW He-Ne laser, a photoacoustic cell and a lock-in amplifier. The chopped He-Ne laser beam is allowed to fall on the sample placed in a photoacoustic cell. The acoustic signals thus generated are detected using a microphone and the resulting output is processed by a lock-in amplifier. The amplitude and phase of the signals were measured as a function of the chopping frequency. Striking step-like variations are observed in me phase against frequency plot which dearly reveals the different layers present in the multilayer structure.
Date: 1993

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