Excitation wavelength dependent fluorescence behaviour of nano colloids of ZnO

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Excitation wavelength dependent fluorescence behaviour of nano colloids of ZnO

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Title: Excitation wavelength dependent fluorescence behaviour of nano colloids of ZnO
Author: Nampoori, V P N; Radhakrishnan, P; Litty, Irimpan; Bindu, Krishnan; Deepthy, A
Abstract: In this paper, the fluorescence behaviour of nano colloids of ZnO has been studied as a function of the excitation wavelength. We have found that excitation at the tail of the absorption band gives rise to an emission that shifts with the change of the excitation wavelength. The excitation wavelength dependent shift of the fluorescence maximum is measured to be between 60 and 100 nm. This kind of excitation wavelength dependent fluorescence behaviour, which may appear to be in violation of Kasha’s rule of excitation wavelength independence of the emission spectrum, has been observed for nano ZnO colloids prepared by two different chemical routes and different capping agents. It is shown that the existence of a distribution of energetically different molecules in the ground state coupled with a low rate of the excited state relaxation processes, namely, solvation and energy transfer, are responsible for the excitation wavelength dependent fluorescence behaviour of the systems.
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/1777
Date: 2007-08-30

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