Mathew, K T; Anil, Lonappan; Paul, Benzy; Thimothy, V O; Rajasekaran, C; Vinu, Thomas; Joe, Jacob(Wiley InterScience, January , 2009)
This article reports a new method of analyzing pericardial
fluid based on the measurement of the dielectric properties at microwave
frequencies. The microwave measurements were performed by
rectangular cavity perturbation method in the S-band of microwave frequency
with the pericardial fluid from healthy persons as well as from
patients suffering from pericardial effusion. It is observed that a remarkable
change in the dielectric properties of patient samples with the
normal healthy samples and these measurements were in good agreement
with clinical analysis. This measurement technique and the method
of extraction of pericardial fluid are simple. These results give light to
an alternative in-vitro method of diagnosing onset pericardial effusion
abnormalities using microwaves without surgical procedure.