Mathew, K T; Anil, Lonappan; Paul, Benzy; Thimothy, V O; Rajasekaran, C; Vinu, Thomas; Joe, Jacob(Wiley InterScience, January , 2009)
This article reports a new in vitro bile analysis based on
the measurement of the dielectric properties at microwave frequencies.
The measurements were made using rectangular cavity perturbation
technique at the S-band of microwave frequency with the different samples
of bile obtained from healthy persons as well as from patients. It is
observed that an appreciable change in the dielectric properties of patient’s
samples with the normal healthy samples and these measurements
were in good agreement with clinical analysis. These results prove an
alternative in-vitro method of detecting bile abnormalities based on the
measurement of the dielectric properties of bile samples using microwaves
without surgical procedure.
Mathew, K T; Anil, Lonappan; Paul, Benzy; Thimothy, V O; Rajasekaran, C; Vinu, Thomas; Joe, Jacob(Wiley InterScience, January , 2009)
This article reports a new method of analyzing pericardial
fluid based on the measurement of the dielectric properties at microwave
frequencies. The microwave measurements were performed by
rectangular cavity perturbation method in the S-band of microwave frequency
with the pericardial fluid from healthy persons as well as from
patients suffering from pericardial effusion. It is observed that a remarkable
change in the dielectric properties of patient samples with the
normal healthy samples and these measurements were in good agreement
with clinical analysis. This measurement technique and the method
of extraction of pericardial fluid are simple. These results give light to
an alternative in-vitro method of diagnosing onset pericardial effusion
abnormalities using microwaves without surgical procedure.
HIV/AIDS is one of the most destructive epidemics in
ever recorded history claims an estimated 2.4 –3.3 million lives every
year. Even though there is no treatment for this pandemic Elisa and
Western Blot tests are the only tests currently available for detecting
HIV/AIDS. This article proposes a new method of detecting HIV/AIDS
based on the measurement of the dielectric properties of blood at the
microwave frequencies. The measurements were made at the S-band of
microwave frequency using rectangular cavity perturbation technique
with the samples of blood from healthy donors as well as from HIV/AIDS patients. An appreciable change is observed in the dielectric properties
of patient samples than with the normal healthy samples and these
measurements were in good agreement with clinical results. This measurement
is an alternative in vitro method of diagnosing HIV/AIDS using microwaves.