Study of the Effect of Polyethylene Glycols and Glycerol in Filled Natural RubberLatex Vulcanizates

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Study of the Effect of Polyethylene Glycols and Glycerol in Filled Natural RubberLatex Vulcanizates

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Title: Study of the Effect of Polyethylene Glycols and Glycerol in Filled Natural RubberLatex Vulcanizates
Author: Rani, Joseph
Abstract: The mechanical properties of filled natural rubber latex vulcanizates were found to be improved by the addition of polyethylene glycols of different molecular weight and glycerol. There is a slight reduction in the optimum cure times of the compounds containing PEG/Glycerol. The morphology study shows that the filler distribution is more uniform in the compounds containing PEG/Glycerol.
Date: 1994-07-15

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