dc.description.abstract |
Microwave properties of conductive polymers is crucial
because of their wide areas of applications such as coating in reflector
antennas, coating in electronic equipments, firequenry selective .surfaces,
EMI materials, satellite communication links, microchip antennas, and
medical applications. This work involves a comparative study of dielectric
properties of selected conducting polymers such as polyaniline.
poly(3,4-eth),lenedio.syt2iophene), polvthiophene, polvpvrrole. and
pohparaphenylene diazomethine (PPDA) in microwave and DC,fields.
The inicrowave properties such as dielectric constant, dielectric loss.
absorption coefficient, heating coefficient, skin depth, and conductivity in
the microwave frequency (S hand), and DC fields were compared. PEDOT
and polccuiiline were found to exhibit excellent properties in DC
field and microwave frequencies, which make thein potential materials
in many of the alorenientioned applications |
en_US |