SOL-GEL Lanthanum Phosphate, Composite and coating for functional Applications.

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SOL-GEL Lanthanum Phosphate, Composite and coating for functional Applications.

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Title: SOL-GEL Lanthanum Phosphate, Composite and coating for functional Applications.
Author: Sankar, Sasidharan; Dr K.G.K Warrier
Abstract: Lanthanum phosphate is one among the lanthanide family of “Rare Earths” following the periodic table of elements. Known under the generic name, Monazite, the rare earth phosphates have melting points above 1900 °C, high thermal phase stability, low thermal conductivity and thermal expansion coefficient similar to some of the high temperature oxides like alumina and zirconia.
Description: Research work on Interdisciplinary
Date: 2015-01-16

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