Studies on Copepods from the EEZ of India-Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea

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Studies on Copepods from the EEZ of India-Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea

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Title: Studies on Copepods from the EEZ of India-Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea
Author: Rashiba, A P; Dr.Saramma, Panampunnayil U
Abstract: The main objectives of the study are: To study the seasonal distribution of copepods with special reference to their qualitative and quantitative distribution, with notes on biodiversity in the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal. To study the spatial and temporal distribution of copepods in the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal.To understand the hydrography and the environmental characteristics of the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal and their role in the distribution and biomass of copepods.To study the vertical migration/diurnal migration of the copepods. To study the difference between the coastal and oceanic composition of copepods in the study area and the factors responsible for it.
Description: National Institute of Oceanography, Regional Centre, Kochi
Date: 2010-04-09

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