Characterization and FTIR spectral studies of human urinary stones from Southern India

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Characterization and FTIR spectral studies of human urinary stones from Southern India

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Title: Characterization and FTIR spectral studies of human urinary stones from Southern India
Author: Junaid, Bushiri M; Wilson, E V; Vaidyan, V K
Abstract: Urinary stones resected from urinary bladders of patients hailing from Kollam district of Kerala State, India were analyzed by SEM, XRD and by thermal analysis techniques. The analytical results indicate that, stones have different composition, i.e., calcium phosphate, calcium phosphate hydroxide and sodium calcium carbonate. Infrared spectral studies also reveal the presence of phosphates or carbonates in these samples. Further, IR spectral investigations have revealed that amorphous carbonated species are occupied in PO4 sites in calcium phosphate type stone and OH sites in calcium phosphate hydroxide sample. Thermal studies of these samples also reveal that, carbon dioxide is released from carbonated samples upon heating which is related to amount of carbon content and bond strength. Crystals with defects and irregular morphology are grown inside the urinary bladder due to variation in crystal growth conditions
Description: Spectrochimica Acta Part A 77 (2010) 442–445
Date: 2010-06-11

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