Jacob, Philip; Manivannan, S; Dhanuskodi, S; Tiwari, S K(Springer, 2008)
N-alkyl-2,6-dimethyl-4(1H)-pyridinones, salts of
4-dimethylaminopyridine and 2-amino-5-nitropyridine are considered
to be potential candidates for nonlinear optical (NLO)
applications, in particular for the generation of blue-green laser
radiation. Single crystals were grown following the slow evaporation
technique at constant temperature. Single-shot laserinduced
surface damage thresholds in the range 3–10 GW/cm2
were measured using a 18 ns Q-switched Nd:YAG laser. The
surface morphologies of the damaged crystals were examined
under an optical microscope and the nature of damage identified.
The Vicker’s microhardness was determined at a load of
98.07 mN. The thermal transport properties, thermal diffusivity
(α), thermal effusivity (e), thermal conductivity (K) and heat
capacity (Cp), of the grown crystals were measured by an improved
photopyroelectric technique at room temperature. All
the results are presented and discussed.
Jacob, Philip; Manjusha, M V(Taylor & Francis, 2008)
The thermal transport properties, thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity and specific heat
capacity of Dicalcium Lead Propionate (DLP) crystal have been measured following a modified
photopyroelectric thermal wave method. The measurements have been carried out with
thermal waves propagating along the three principal symmetry directions, so as to bring out the
anisotropy in these parameters. The variations of the above parameters through two prominent
phase transition temperatures of this crystal have also been measured to understand the variation
of these parameters as it undergoes ferroelectric phase transitions. In addition, complete
thermal analysis and FTIR measurements have been done on the crystal to bring out the correlation
of these results with the corresponding thermal transport properties. All these results are
presented and discussed. The data presented in this paper form a comprehensive set of results
on the thermal transport properties of this crystal.
The thermal transport properties—thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity and specific heat
capacity—of potassium selenate crystal have been measured through the successive phase
transitions, following the photo-pyroelectric thermal wave technique. The variation of thermal
conductivity with temperature through the incommensurate (IC) phase of this crystal is
measured. The enhancement in thermal conductivity in the IC phase is explained in terms of
heat conduction by phase modes, and the maxima in thermal conductivity during transitions is
due to enhancement in the phonon mean free path and the corresponding reduction in phonon
scattering. The anisotropy in thermal conductivity and its variation with temperature are
reported. The variation of the specific heat with temperature through the high temperature
structural transition at 745 K is measured, following the differential scanning calorimetric
method. By combining the results of photo-pyroelectric thermal wave methods and differential
scanning calorimetry, the variation of the specific heat capacity with temperature through all the
four phases of K2SeO4 is reported. The results are discussed in terms of phonon mode softening
during transitions and phonon scattering by phase modes in the IC phase.