Paulose,C S; Dakshinamurti,K(Department of Biotechnology, December 19, 1984)
The high-affinity bindings of [3H]-5-hydroxytryptamine to serotonin S-1 receptors,
[3H]-ketanserin to serotonin S-2 receptors in the cerebral cortex, [3H]-
fluphenazine to dopamine D-1 receptors, and [3H]-spiroperidol to dopamine D-2
receptors in the corpus striatum were studied in pyridoxine-deficient rats and
compared to pyridoxine-supplemented controls. There was a significant increase
in the maximal binding (Bmax) of serotonin S-1 and S-2 receptors with a significant
decrease in their binding affinities (Kd). However, there were no significant
changes either in the maximal binding or binding affinity of striatal dopamine D-
1 and D-2 receptors. Receptor sensitivity seems to correlate negatively with the
corresponding neurotransmitter concentrations in the pyridoxine-deficient rats.