Unconstrained Handwritten Malayalam Character Recognition using Wavelet Transform and Support vector Machine Classifier

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Unconstrained Handwritten Malayalam Character Recognition using Wavelet Transform and Support vector Machine Classifier

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Title: Unconstrained Handwritten Malayalam Character Recognition using Wavelet Transform and Support vector Machine Classifier
Author: Kannan, Balakrishnan; Jomy, John; Pramod, K V
Abstract: This paper presents the application of wavelet processing in the domain of handwritten character recognition. To attain high recognition rate, robust feature extractors and powerful classifiers that are invariant to degree of variability of human writing are needed. The proposed scheme consists of two stages: a feature extraction stage, which is based on Haar wavelet transform and a classification stage that uses support vector machine classifier. Experimental results show that the proposed method is effective
Description: Procedia Engineering 30 (2012) 598 – 605
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/4195
Date: 2012-12-31

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