Planning And Operation Problems Of Indian Major Ports With Special Emphasis On Cochin Port

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Planning And Operation Problems Of Indian Major Ports With Special Emphasis On Cochin Port

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Title: Planning And Operation Problems Of Indian Major Ports With Special Emphasis On Cochin Port
Author: Sasikumar, R; Dr.Bhasi, M
Abstract: Rapid changes in the technological environment of marine logistics and the increasing integration of waterborne, air and land transport systems have fostered a revolution in the design and operations of transport vehicles, cargo handling technology, and terminal facilities. This in turn has caused major changes in the functions of and uses of ports. From literature, it was found that these changes were very slow in case of Indian ports and the performances of port operations were poor when compared with similar ports in the same region. It was also found that a very few studies were conducted to identify the reasons for slow improvements in the performances of Indian major ports. In this thesis, an attempt is made to find out the operational problems of Indian major ports and to analyze the reasons for it. Some solutions have also been found out using management tools
Description: School of Management Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology
Date: 2003-10-15

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