Nature and Ecological significance of Nutrient Regeneration in Different Prawn Culture Fields

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Nature and Ecological significance of Nutrient Regeneration in Different Prawn Culture Fields

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Title: Nature and Ecological significance of Nutrient Regeneration in Different Prawn Culture Fields
Author: Joshi, K K; Dr.Parameswaran Pillai, P
Abstract: The present work "Nature and Ecological Significance of Nutrient Regeneration in different Prawn Culture Fields" was undertaken to understand the seasonal variation of nutrients, nutrient cycling and primary productivity of the prawn culture systems. The main emphasis was to find the qualitative and quantitative estimates of distribution of total phosphorus, inorganic phosphorus, organic phosphorus, total nitrogen and nitrogen fractions in the water. The effect of nutrient cycling on primary productivity and concentration of metals also form one part of the study. The entire thesis comprise of only one major chapter with subchapters such as, Introduction (I), Review of Literature (2), Material and Methods (3), Results (14), Discussion (5), Executive Summary (6) and Biblio~ graphy (7)
Description: Centre of Advanced Studies in Mariculture,Cochin University Of Science And Technology
Date: 1990-11

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