Effects Of The Piscicides, Mahua Oil Cake And Croton Seed On The Prawn Culture System

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Effects Of The Piscicides, Mahua Oil Cake And Croton Seed On The Prawn Culture System

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Title: Effects Of The Piscicides, Mahua Oil Cake And Croton Seed On The Prawn Culture System
Author: Ashokakumaran, Unnithan K; Dr.Menon,N R; Dr.Kuttyamma, V J
Abstract: The present research programme envisages a comparative study of the effects of two piscicides of plant origin, viz., mahua oil cake, a derivative from the plant fig Iatifolia and croton seed, a product from the plant Croton tiglium. Although some reports on the effects of mahua oil cake and croton seed on fresh water pond culture systems are available, information on their effect on brackishwater culture systems are rather scanty This was the guiding principle for launching the present study It is hoped that the findings will enable aquaculturists to make use of the piscicides in a more rational and efficient way, and will go a long way towards realising the maximum return liom culture systems without hampering the environment. The thesis is presented in seven chapters such as Introduction, Review of literature, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Summary and Bibliography
Description: School of Marine Sciences. Cochin University of Science and Technology
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3516
Date: 1997-08

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